Our Bioluminescent Kayak tour is for all the family we have single or double kayaks.
We also have a boat for families or groups that prefer Tour Bioluminescent by boat.
Paquera is the on the top 5 places on the planet for this unique and magical phenomenon of Bioluminescence tour, seeing the Sea sparkle.
Our Night Bioluminescent Kayak tour is at Paquera Bay which is surrounded by Islands.
So the water is extremely calm and with abundance bioluminescence all year.
Book now with card for everyday you can do a prepayment of $10 per person and the date of the tour you can pay the rest.
Book now with paypal as well you can send as a paypal prepayment of $10 per person on the following link, please add date and number of people
we are available by whatsapp click here as well at the bottom of the page.
In Our tour you can see plankton glow in the dark and see the strongs particals, come and see ocean glowing with your eyes.
The bioluminescence bay is a rich ecosystem due to the mangrove, The only two vegetables that can survive to on the see are algay and mangrove.

Our tour starts at 5:45pm with educative explanation of the bioluminescence and the safely instructions for taking the tour, and after that we will go to live an unforgettable experience.
What to Wear, Water shoes or sandals, Light clothes that can get wet.
#1 place for the Bioluminesce tour Costa Rica
The #1 Bioluminescence tour at Paquera near the ferry most of our clients stay at Paquera, Santa Teresa and Montezuma, we can help to organize transportaion with addcional cost and help to get a place to stay in paquera with addicional cost as well.
Is it importante to know that in Costa Rica Paquera is the best place to do the Bioluminescent Night Tour, if you are in any of these towns and wants to live the real Bioluminescent plankton experience we recomended to come to the right place at Paquera.
Bioluminescence Night Kayak Tour Paquera Costa Rica
Start Time : 5:45pm to 7:30pm Price :$35 Per person.
Start Time: 8:00pm to 9:30pm Price $40 per person.
Start time 6:00pm or 8pm or at your convinience time, Private tour 1 to 4 people Price $200 any additional after 4, person will be $50.
What to Wear, Water shoes or sandals, Light clothes that can get wet.